

In extreme cases where a tooth cannot be saved, an extraction will be performed. Sometimes this can be the best thing for your overall dental health. Click on the links below for more information when an extraction would be the right thing for you.

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Do I have to extract an infected tooth?

You do not always have to extract an infected tooth. Sometimes, root canal treatment can be done to save the tooth but sometimes in the case of extreme infection or fractures, an extraction is necessary.

What is involved in a routine extraction?

If a tooth is extensively decayed or damaged and cannot be preserved, our doctors may recommend extracting the tooth to make way for a replacement restoration. A routine extraction removes the tooth from the socket with minimal instrumentation and no surgery. The x-ray reviewed will allow your doctor to confirm the extraction is indeed routine. Your doctor will gently apply pressure to the tooth with a specially designed instrument. Once the tooth has been eased from the socket, your doctor will clean the area and allow it to heal naturally. Once the area has healed properly, you may be able to wear some type of temporary or it may be time for a permanent restoration to be placed, depending on the treatment plan you agreed upon with your doctor.

Routine extraction
Post-operative instructions after a routine extraction

When should I remove my wisdom teeth?

Wisdom teeth are the molars that are farthest in the back of your mouth. These teeth are the last ones to grow in, usually after the age of 18. They often become impacted or don’t grow in properly. Impacted or partially impacted wisdom teeth can cause many issues, for example periodontal disease, infection, decay, even tumors in the jaw bone. To prevent problems in the future, we normally recommend extraction at the first sign that they may be impacted.

Hours of Operation


8:15am – 5:00pm

9:15am – 5:00pm
